Resources in your state
Rights in Foster Care
Idaho Youth in Care Bill of Rights states that you have the right to lifelong connections with family, to be placed with siblings when possible and if...
Independent Living Program
Independent Living (IL) Programs help current and former foster youth reach their independent living goals, providing services for education...
Health care
In Idaho State when you are preparing to age out of the system, your social worker and Independent Living Program worker will work together to make...
Education: College / Higher Ed
The Impact Scholars Program addresses the underrepresentation and underachievement of students with foster care experience in higher education...
Youth or Alumni Group
The Idaho Foster Youth Advisory Board is composed of former and current foster youth. These youth represent the foster youth of Idaho by giving a...
If you don't find what you're looking for, or if there's info that should be listed here, contact us.
Health Care for Former Foster Youth
Did you know that young people from foster care have access to free Medicaid after they turn 18 through their 26th birthday? Qualification to access Medicaid is NOT dependant on employment or education status.