Good News! With your support, FosterClub improves life in foster care for over 53,000 children and youth annually. We are adding to that daily!
FosterClub’s network of supporters and partners responded with groundbreaking generosity over the past year to expand FosterClub’s impact in two missional ways:
1. Provide direct support to young people who experience foster care
$2.05+ million distributed directly to young people
In 2022, the pandemic continued to impact vulnerable young people — especially those who aged out of foster care without family support. We put cash directly in the hands of young people who need it.
Peer Navigation Services
When young people can support their peers through challenges, everyone benefits! Our amazing Peer Navigators helped their younger peers connect to resources as they worked to get back on track post-pandemic.
Training for Young People
We were excited to be back to in-person training events, providing young people with Peer-Led Training in Oregon, Montana, and Missouri. We continued to deliver online, too - enabling us to deliver training to thousands of young people in 2022.
2. Drive meaningful change in the foster care system
The harsh impacts of foster care fall disproportionately on young people of marginalized communities, including youth who identify as LGBTQIA+ or as Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC). We deepened our work to achieve justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) for young people involved with foster care.
Aging Out of Foster Care
In collaboration with the Annie E. Casey Foundation and national partners, we launched the Journey to Success campaign to improve outcomes for older youth who age out of foster care.
Defending the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
Thirteen Native Leaders’ contributed to FosterClub’s amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court voicing support for upholding ICWA.

”Passionate organizations like FosterClub are the reason I am able to attend college today and strive for a brighter tomorrow. I know that one day I will be able to pay it forward to the next generation.”
— Richard, Outstanding Young Leader
Lived Experience Leaders:
Our Magic Sauce
All of FosterClub’s work is powered by young people with lived experience in foster care who we call Lived Experience (LEx) Leaders. We think you’ll call them amazing and inspirational! A corps of over 230 LEx Leaders distributed across the nation serves our network of over 30,000 youth members and half-a-million peers who experience foster care each year.
A double-bottom line:
10,000+ hours of service contributed annually.
LEx Leaders magnify the impact of every contribution to FosterClub. Their energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to the cause translates into more reach,
Through their service, our LEx Leaders grow and gain, too.
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”We’re now able to help young people quickly; we can get funds to them within a few days - helping make sure they can stay housed, have enough food and stay connected.”
— Natalie, FosterClub AllStar Intern