New Jersey
We're rebuilding your state page
Did you know foster care runs differently in every state?
The team is working to pull together information that will help you navigate foster care in your state and access all the resources you're entitled to.
Check back soon!
Resources in your state
Essex ResourceNet provides a wide range of information about support, resources, and services for families in Essex County, NJ. We do not share our...
Resource Family Retention Plan The Department of Children and Families believe that all foster, adoptive and kinship families are a cherished resource...
Ombudsman (Complaints)
The DCF Office of Advocacy assists the Department in its mission to ensure the safety, permanency and well-being of children and to support families...
Independent Living Program
Every year in New Jersey, young adults, age 18, leave foster care. They often face challenges without the support of family and friends. Many are...
Health care
Medicaid is basic health insurance that is available to foster youth or former foster youth who are eligible. How to apply: You can apply online...
If you don't find what you're looking for, or if there's info that should be listed here, contact us.
Health Care for Former Foster Youth
Did you know that young people from foster care have access to free Medicaid after they turn 18 through their 26th birthday? Qualification to access Medicaid is NOT dependant on employment or education status.