Displaying 41 - 50 of 91 blog posts.

We are once again blown away by the meaningful ways youth contribute to the world around them... We invited FosterClub's youth to contribute their voice to the FosterClub Happy Holidays...


Holidays should be filled with happiness and joy; that isn't always the case when you are in foster care... FosterClub offers information through our Holiday Guides as well as our...


A guide written for young people by young people! If you've experienced foster care, chances are the holidays can present some - umm, interesting - challenges. Check out FosterClub's ten...

Mental health

THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED - THANK YOU FOR ENTERING! We are once again blown away by the meaningful ways youth contribute to the world around them... We invited FosterClub's youth to contribute...


On October 24th, 2018, the President signed into law the Opioid Package, which contained a provision directly impacting foster youth. FosterClub wants to recognize and thank the youth, policymakers, advocates...

Health care

FosterClub's Washington D.C. Policy Specialist, Kaysie Getty attended the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association reception to honor Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Chairman of the Senate Finance...


Kodi Baughman The importance of connection For me, it was really important to stay connected to my mom. My dad was incarcerated and out of the picture early on, so...

Family relationships

I attribute my life and success to an important provision granting Medicaid to former foster youth (FFY) until they reach age 26. Maslow proposed that if basic physiological needs like...

Health care

Just ask Google. Youth share everything everywhere. I chat, post, blog, and message. When we want to know something, we google, Facebook, and search. Every bill I have, my work...

Health care

I do not let money stand in my way and neither should you. Health care and educational funding should be available for everyone, including foster youth, until age 26. As...

Health care
Higher education
Transition (aging out)