Displaying 41 - 50 of 118 blog posts.

FosterClub Statement regarding the Supreme Court Decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia Thursday, June 17th, 2021 The Supreme Court’s decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia on Thursday to...

LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth

Today, the All-In Youth Engagement Team released it's recommendations on Improving Permanency and Well-Being. These recommendations come from three roundtable discussions were held with the Youth Engagement Team and ACF...

Family relationships

FosterClub filed an Amicus brief in the Fulton vs. Philadelphia case that is being heard by the Supreme Court today. A bit of background: 'Amicus curiae' means 'friend of the...

LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth

Today, the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council released a new statement: A Historic Opportunity to Reform the Child Welfare System: Youth & Alumni Priorities on Special Populations...

Crossover to Juvenile Justice
LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth
Psychotropic medications
Sex trafficking

On February 28th, the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council released a new statement: A Historic Opportunity to Reform the Child Welfare System: Youth & Alumni Priorities on...

Family relationships
Health care
LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth
Psychotropic medications
Rights in foster care
Sex trafficking

Before I met my two dads I found myself living the life of a chameleon and at times I still do, masking who I am, adapting and trying to fit...

LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth

In December 2019, Members of the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council submitted comments in response to a proposed rule change from HHS ( RIN 0991-AC16, 84 Fed...

LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth

Part of the DC Comic universe, Shazam!’s main character, Billy Batson, is a foster kid. What this movie gets right is a nuanced portrayal of all the ins and outs...

Family relationships

Watch this 30-min video which briefly discusses the proposed new rule at Health and Human Services (HHS). The new rule aims to take away protections provided to certain groups. We...

Health care
LGBTQ+ & Two-Spirit youth
Rights in foster care

The most important thing in my life is my family. I spent over 2 years in care before being adopted two weeks before my 18th birthday. The whole time I...

Family relationships