In December 2019, Members of the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council submitted comments in response to a proposed rule change from HHS ( RIN 0991-AC16, 84 Fed. Reg. 63831 (Nov. 19, 2019) which would essentially remove protections from discrimination for children and young people on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and in some cases, religious beliefs.
Council Members outlined 6 key concerns:
The proposed rule change will worsen circumstances for families of color.
The proposed change will exacerbate risks for sexual- and gender-minority youth and family members.
The proposed change will introduce barriers that will increase risks for termination of parental rights and youth stuck in foster care.
This proposed change would limit the abilities of expectant or parenting youth in foster care to safely parent their children.
This rule change contradicts the priorities of child welfare reform.
Failing to implement the protections could cause a reduction in available foster family homes.
You can view the comments in the linked document below.