Displaying 21 - 30 of 69 blog posts.

We asked youth to share how they stay connected with family (including parents & siblings), and why staying connected is important to them. Check out what they had to say...


THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED - THANK YOU FOR ENTERING! The young people of foster care never cease to amaze us. We invited FosterClub's youth to contribute their voice to our...


Check out our newest Foster Parent Online Training Course - Family Matters: Supporting Connections to Birth Parents Foster parents play a vital role in maintaining connections between children and their...

Family relationships

Education is very important to me in order to move ahead in life. Not just get by, but to really succeed. My senior year I had to apply for colleges...


In my childhood and early adolescence I had never had a supportive person that gave me hope or encouragement. Throughout my life I had heard horror stories of foster care...

Family relationships

There are great trees filled with leaves that are very beautiful, gorgeous, and precious. Each leaf is shaped uniquely, and it is astounding to notice how, although they are each...

Sibling separation

People say, “brothers are forever." That they will, “always be by your side, no matter what.” Of course that's what they say; it's just hard to believe. It's hard to...

Family relationships
Sibling separation

“Just give it another try.” I heard it many times. Sibling visits were something I despised. My siblings had been precious to me in the moment of removal from our...

Sibling separation

A team brings more than just support during an activity, they bring safety, comfort, and hope. My team, a group of All-Stars, called ourselves the DREAM team. From my experience...


Sibling (noun) - A partner in crime; an individual who holds your secrets. This is a definition I wish I would have been able to connect to. A wise person...

Family relationships
Sibling separation