Wilton Johnson spent over 5 years in Wisconsin's foster care system.

Although he has faced struggles, Wilton Johnson has found incredible strength and compassion, and allowed his experiences to help him serve others. Through engagement and informed advocacy, Wilton focuses on policy areas including foster care, health care, student’s rights, mental health services and services for runaway and homeless youth. Wil has been on the Wisconsin Youth Advisory Council for two years and currently serves as President.
Over the last few years, Wilton has become a speaker worth listening to. His has presented at the Urban Initiatives Conference where he spoke regarding restorative justice as a form of peer mediation. Wilton has also served as a public speaker for youth in foster care, sharing his testimonies before professional service providers, judges, lawyers and state legislators. Wilton's moving testimony was included in a judicial training video stressing youth involvement and is being used statewide. He has also served as a panelist during a Lunch and Learn educational session held at a local children’s court. This session addressed the concerns of young children who are involved in active court cases in the child welfare system.
As an active and influential member of the Pathfinders Drop-In Center, Wilton cofacilitates a group called Youth Rising Up (YRU). YRU is a youth-led, grassroots, organization to improve the lives of homeless and runaway youth in Milwaukee by advocating for social change and educating youth on their rights and responsibilities. He was recently invited to represent Milwaukee's homeless youth population in Washington, DC. at the National Alliance to End Homelessness annual conference. Recognized by Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker, Wilton was acknowledged for his role as an ambassador and voice of youth aging out of foster care.

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2013 Outstanding Young Leaders