Tymothy Belseth knows where he's going and is taking the big steps to get there right now. He's aiming for a PhD when he's finished with the Master's Degree he's working on at this time. His chosen field is social work with a big interest in becoming a researcher in child welfare. His aim is a career in the Department of Family and Protective Services.

While Tym was in foster care, he participated in the youth advisory council in his area in Texas. He was an active member, raised funds for their council and learned a lot about foster care in general.

While getting his college degree, he used independent study opportunities to conduct two research studies with former foster youth. After entering his master's program, he accepted a job with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Serves as a youth specialist. In that position, he led multiple youth councils in the Austin area.

He approaches youth councils collaboratively so that youth maintain control and direction. One youth council he worked with decided to testify on legislation relating to foster youth. Tym coordinated their trips to the capitol, as well as their testimony. The legislation they worked on passed!

Because of his amazing work, Tym was offered a position at the state office where he now supervises the youth specialists who lead youth councils. At age 23, he also coordinates state efforts to reach out to former foster youth.

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2014 Outstanding Young Leaders