Resources in your state
Youth or Alumni Group
Mental health
Emergency support
Rights in Foster Care
Maui Behavioral Health Resources is an umbrella organization of three nonprofit agencies: Aloha House, Malama Family Recovery Center, and Maui Youth &...
Mental health
Emergency support
Life skills
Hale Kipa’s Intensive In-Home Services provides comprehensive, behavioral, community-based services for children and families known to Hawai‘i’s Child...
Youth or Alumni Group
Leadership Opportunity
"The HI H.O.P.E.S. Youth Leadership Boards are comprised of current and former foster youth between the ages of 14 and 26. HI H.O.P.E.S. stands for...
Rights in Foster Care
Hawaii has a video featuring foster youth who explain their rights! Watch it at the website link above.
Ombudsman (Complaints)
The Hawaii State Ombudsman independently and impartially investigates complaints against state and county agencies and employees. Neighbor island...
If you don't find what you're looking for, or if there's info that should be listed here, contact us.