Displaying 61 - 70 of 100 blog posts.

This year, 2018, I was chosen to attend and represent FosterClub at Daniel Memorial’s 31st Annual National Independent Living Conference in San Antonio, Texas. During my All-Star internship, I had...

Transition (aging out)

There are great trees filled with leaves that are very beautiful, gorgeous, and precious. Each leaf is shaped uniquely, and it is astounding to notice how, although they are each...

Sibling separation

I do not let money stand in my way and neither should you. Health care and educational funding should be available for everyone, including foster youth, until age 26. As...

Health care
Higher education
Transition (aging out)

People say, “brothers are forever." That they will, “always be by your side, no matter what.” Of course that's what they say; it's just hard to believe. It's hard to...

Family relationships
Sibling separation

“Just give it another try.” I heard it many times. Sibling visits were something I despised. My siblings had been precious to me in the moment of removal from our...

Sibling separation

Sibling (noun) - A partner in crime; an individual who holds your secrets. This is a definition I wish I would have been able to connect to. A wise person...

Family relationships
Sibling separation

Thirty-three days is all it took to revoke the opportunities I was promised for so many years. I was in foster care from the age of 11 until 33 days...

Health care
Transition (aging out)

FosterClub is partnering with CASA Essex of Essex County New Jersey to launch a pilot program which focuses on securing permanence for transition age youth. On September 26th, 2017 began...

Transition (aging out)

How Health Insurance for Former Foster Youth is in Danger. As the 115th Congress and the new Trump Administration roll out their proposals to reform the Affordable Care Act, it...

Transition (aging out)

I aged out of care at the age of 19. One of the biggest struggles I faced after exiting foster care was figuring out what to do with my spare...

Transition (aging out)