Displaying 61 - 70 of 104 blog posts.

The #HealthCareFFY Campaign, a collaborative project spearheaded by FosterClub, First Focus- State Policy and Reform Center (SPARC), and Juvenile Law Center are excited to announce the release of the first...

Health care
Independent living

Are you interested in improving your state's implementation of the provision to cover former foster youth to the age of 26? Join a webinar which marks the launch of the...

Health care

We've added a new course - Introducing Your Home! The new course focuses on how to introduce a child to your home, reasons a youth may have a difficult time...


We've added a new course - The Wounded Spirit: Grief in Foster Care! Learn about the unique challenges foster youth face through the grieving process and understand how grief and...

Mental health

PeerUp! Creating youth-adult partnerships! 3 words were all I needed to hear to know PeerUp! is a success. We use many methods to measure programs. We call them evidence-based, best...


Hola, fellow muggles. Hey buttercups, Today I will be giving you information about the three main resources for former foster youth in Nevada, one in which I currently am apart...

Independent living

When most people see my sisters they see a reflection of me. Both of my sisters have the same skinny arms, nerd glasses, and pale skin that I have. But...

Sibling separation

BY DAVID CRARY AP NATIONAL WRITER Not so long ago, if foster children in Florida wanted to spend the night at a friend's house, the parents hosting the sleepover faced...


SIBLING REUNIFICATION This has had to of been one of the best experiences in my advocacy career and in my life as well. Camp To Belong was held at the...

Sibling separation

This is my college essay. I have been very hesitant to put it online but enjoy it, respect it, and learn from it. As I broke open the fortune cookie...

Sibling separation