Displaying 21 - 30 of 64 blog posts.

What State Advocates Can Do:

Policy Advocacy on Behalf of Older Youth in and Aging Out of the Child Welfare System in Response to COVID-19

Young people in and leaving...

Extension to age 21
Health care
Higher education
Independent living
Mental health

Foster Youth in Action is hosting ongoing forums for current and former foster youth: Weekly: FOSTER POWER FORUMS Weekly on Tuesdays @ 1:00 PST! This is a virtual space held...

Mental health

On October 1st, the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council released a new statement: " A Historic Opportunity to Reform the Child Welfare System: Youth & Alumni Priorities...

Mental health

"I feel like I have a voice, and I'm going to use that voice to push that change as far as I can." Tamara Milford, 2017 FosterClub All-Star, shares with...


FosterClub Young Leaders, Eric Warner, and Joseph DeBiew joined Edwin Daye, a Member of the Birth Parent National Network, in a meeting with 4 Congressional offices and federal stakeholders -...

Entering foster care
Family relationships
Mental health
Transition (aging out)

A guide written for young people by young people! If you've experienced foster care, chances are the holidays can present some - umm, interesting - challenges. Check out FosterClub's ten...

Mental health

. “The hardest thing was to sit around the Christmas tree in a room full of strangers and look at a package that says ‘To Sharde’ ‘From Foster Mom’.” FosterClub...

Mental health

There are great trees filled with leaves that are very beautiful, gorgeous, and precious. Each leaf is shaped uniquely, and it is astounding to notice how, although they are each...

Sibling separation

People say, “brothers are forever." That they will, “always be by your side, no matter what.” Of course that's what they say; it's just hard to believe. It's hard to...

Family relationships
Sibling separation

“Just give it another try.” I heard it many times. Sibling visits were something I despised. My siblings had been precious to me in the moment of removal from our...

Sibling separation