Weston Charles - Gallo
2 years in Missouri Child Welfare System
21 years old
Weston entered the foster care system at age 14 when his biological parents neglected him for identifying as gay. Weston experienced hospitalizations, shelters, and foster home placements. After 1 year in the system Weston forever family came into his life, his two dads and six siblings.
Currently, Weston is attending Pittsburg State University, majoring in communications with an emphasis in human communication. He is also an LGBTQ youth advocate for foster youth, highlighting the importance of same-sex couples to foster and adopt. A member of the Youth Speak Out Team in KCMO( Kansas City, Missouri), which works to raise awareness of the experiences of foster youth and the challenges they face. Weston worked alongside the Youth Speak Out team on a Bill of Rights for Foster Care Youth and in the summer of 2017; the Governor of Missouri passed and signed the bill. Weston served as a Youth Ambassador for the Human Rights Campaign, where he continued to share his journey and lived experience raising awareness for LGBTQ issues that youth face across the country. Honored with the FosterClub Outstanding Young Leader Award for his continuous work advocating for foster care youth in the LGBTQ community. Weston now is a part of an advocacy leadership team working to pass the Every Child Deserves A Family Act as well as becoming a spokesperson for the Adopt US Kids speakers bureau. Weston has been featured on NBC News, Yahoo News, Proud Parenting, and USA today.
“In the future, I plan to be working in political communication in DC on capitol hill, with a focus on LGBTQ+ and Foster Care Youth affairs before I run for Member of Congress.”