Tiara Mosley spent 4 years in Iowa’s foster care system.
Tiara experienced many placements including congregate care, residential treatment centers, and shelter placement. Tiara is currently a part of Iowa’s advocacy group, Achieving Maximum Potential.Tiara is a Mentor to younger youth in AMP and has been a leader since she aged Out. She spent a year being the Central Council Member for her Cedar Rapids AMP chapter.
In 2017 Tiara was part of the Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Day program, as well as Foster Youth in Action Leaders for Change.
Tiara is currently attending college and hopes to graduate from the University of Northern Iowa with a Bachelor’s in Social Work. Tiara aspires to become a case manager for residential treatment facilities and to eventually become a foster parent.
Tiara best advice she can give to Foster Youth is “Stand tall, There is a fire inside of you that burns bright. Be everything you were told you couldn’t be. Prove those wrong who had no faith in you, but also have faith in yourself.”