Tamaira was in foster care from the age of 14 until 17, when she was adopted along with her sister. She says about her experience, “Foster care was complicated, moving from home to home, with some homes more stressful than others. However, knowing that I was with my sister made it a very rewarding situation. I heard multiple stories of siblings getting separated in care, and I was so grateful that never happened to my sister and me. We only had each other and I know that if I would have had to go through the experience of foster care without my sister I don’t think I would have made it through.” Tamaira enjoys volunteering and states, "It’s my most involved hobby right now." She is currently volunteering for CAPSA (Community Abuse Prevention Services Agency) as an advocate, on call any time of day or night to help victims of abuse. Tamaira also volunteers for LDSSA (Latter Day Saints Service Association) where she, with other college students look at what needs to be done in to help out their community.
Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2010 Outstanding Young Leaders