Sharon was placed into her first foster home at 7 years old. She was in this home for eleven years, and moved at the age of 18 to the foster home she currently resides in. Sharon's mother's rights were terminated, and Sharon was devastated. She felt very neglected and abandoned. It took time for her heal from her experience. "It took years of thinking and a lot of reasoning. I finally came to the conclusion that it's not my fault and I am a beautiful girl with a bright future."

Sharon has been a member of the Achieving Independence Center and has been since the age of 16. "Through this program, I became a member of the Female Mentoring Program. Within the Female Mentoring Program, I participated in various volunteer activities such as: The Hunger Walk, Philadelphia Cares, Philabundance, women and children abuse shelters, feeding the homeless during the holidays, and cleaning up the streets of Philadelphia." Sharon is also a member of the AIC Youth Advisory Board.

Sharon has a variety of interests and hobbies, such as writing, basketball, badminton, but above all she loves to dance.

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2009 Outstanding Young Leaders