RaMieya was in foster care for 11-12 years. She has lost count of how many placements she was in but it was approximately 9-10 placements. RaMieya invests her time, energy, and leadership skills into young teenage girls. She connects with teenagers in the South Sacramento area through her local church. She has formed a club called G.R.A.C.E.(Girls Responding As Christ's Example). The GRACE girls meet for events at her house, shopping days at the mall, and other various activities. Through the G.R.A.C.E girls club, RaMieya has become a mentor and a friend to these girls. Her leadership has had a notable impact on several young ladies in the South Sacramento area. RaMieya is motivated out of a sincere heart of love for young teenage girls. She leads to create better lives, to invest positive values and principles into girls when they are at an age where they will make many life-shaping decisions. She leads because of the impact her leadership has on the lives of those around her. Graduated from high school and currently taking Theology and Christian Living classes at Calvary Evangelism Center Currently employed and pursuing a career with the Department of Human Assistance at Sacramento County.
Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2009 Outstanding Young Leaders
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