Michael Hollinger spent 11 years in Connecticut's foster care system. Michael is a peer mediator, aspiring author, weightlifter and a foster kid.
Michael has spent 11 years in the foster care system in 9 different placements. He now lives independently. Michael aspires to become a social worker and is diligently working toward that goal by attending college in his home state of Connecticut. Michael has given testimony in front of government officials for the betterment of those growing up in foster care behind him, and “Enjoys seeing the impact my story has on others”. He is a huge boxing fan and hopes to one day be the next golden glove champion. Michael is a peer mediator, aspiring author, weightlifter and a foster kid.
Some of Mike's accomplishments as a young leader: Oregon Teen Conference, Forest Grove, OR - presenter CASA Conference, Astoria, OR - speaker California Teen Forum, , Pomona, CA - presenter Minnesota Youth Leadership Conference, Duluth, MN - presenter Destination Future, Chevy Chase, Maryland - attendee Daniel Memorial Conference, Nashville, TN - presenter