Matt Holt spent 4 years in Oregon's Foster Care System.

Matthew Holt’s time in foster care has definitely shaped his commitment to public service. At twenty-two years old, Matt plans to get a degree in criminal justice and become a costal police officer so he can continue to help others. Despite being busy and in college, Matt finds time to volunteer at a soup kitchen once a week and participate in a Youth Advisory Board at Portland State University. An adult supporter in his life comments, “Since first meeting Matt, I have been impressed with his creativity and forthrightness. He is constantly trying to improve himself: attending PCC, writing, volunteering in a soup kitchen, and being an involved older brother to his sisters. He sticks up for the underdog.” Matt’s commitment to his younger siblings and his willingness to set a good example for them is inspiring. Foster care can make it difficult to maintain those connections, but Matt’s dedication to overcoming obstacles will continue to impress.

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2011 Outstanding Young Leaders