Marion Aaron spent 18 years in Missouri's foster care system. Marian Aaron graduated from high school this past spring but is currently unable to attend college for medical reasons despite the fact that she is eager to start. Marian recently had to have her leg amputated; throughout her recovery process, she has surpassed all milestones ahead of schedule. Her doctors and therapists attribute her recovery to a “wonderful outlook, determination, and hard work.” Marian, presently in a foster home, has been a foster home participant for 18 years. She has been in 12 foster homes since she was taken into care in 1995. She was successful in a kinship placement with an aunt but decided to leave that home recently to transition to a TLP program and learn independent living skills. Because her TLP apartment had many stairs, Marian was temporarily moved to a medical foster home while she recovers from her amputation. Renese McGhee from the Missouri Children’s Division reports, “While Marian is a great leader, she has not been previously recognized for this.” Marian is a great role model of both attitude and actions for her peers illustrating excellent leadership skills. She is always positive and looks at the bright side of things. She pushes herself to do the best she can to show others that she is capable of doing anything she wants to do. She was recently a part of a task force of youth who were selected to provide feedback on how to improve services to youth as they leave the foster care system. She recently, for that matter, participated in the 2013 Youth Leadership Conference in Jefferson City. She was also a vital member of a youth team that participated in a fundraising carwash for youth. Beyond these contributions, she also volunteers at a local church as a part of her TLP program. She is proud of the fact that she is an aunt and serves as an excellent, positive support to her niece and nephews.
Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2014 Outstanding Young Leaders