2 years in New Mexico’s Foster Care System
Marco Martinez is a 24-year-old born in Mexico, and resides in New Mexico. After spending more than two years in foster care and has served as a youth advocate since 2011. In 2015, Marco served as a youth consultant to the collaborative workgroup that successfully created the New Mexico Prudent Parenting Standard and policies supporting young people having normalized experiences while in foster care. In 2017, he participated in the Youth Leadership Institute at Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative and was selected as an Annie E. Casey Youth Fellow. Currently, he serves as a Youth Leader Board member at NMCAN.
Marco attends Central New Mexico Community College pursuing a double major in Languages and Nursing. Some of his hobbies are swimming, hiking, cooking, and advocating. He enjoys advocating because it allows him to meet new people and to witness people coming together as one. He believes that in order to create change in the world, everyone’s voice should be heard. Marco’s ultimate goal is to bring people together to create change, peace, and more love in this world.