Danielle’s talent and ambitious are clear when looking at her resume of activities and accolades. She is simultaneously enrolled in Silverado High School and the College of Southern Nevada and hopes to eventually apply to a four-year university and to double major in psychology and computer science. Danielle is a talented writer and accomplished public speaker and would like to apply her talents toward earning a law degree, perhaps advocating for foster youth in the court system.

Danielle is already familiar with legal proceedings and court atmospheres due to her personal experiences in Family Court. With the help of her social workers, she was able to escape from a physically and mentally abusive family environment. When she turned 18, the Seeds2Succeed helped her successfully find an independent living situation. She says that living on her own has forced her to take on adult responsibilities and manage her own finances, but she feels that her experiences have given her a better understanding of how to survive in the real world, as well as a thorough understanding of the juvenile court system.

She says that her social workers have helped her understand what education opportunities are available to her, and she is confident in her ability to succeed on her own. Danielle’s passion and perseverance have already resulted in many accolades and awards. She studies Japanese and is an active member of her schools Japanese Club, from which she earned an “honor of knight.”

She is also a talented guitar player, receiving the highest ratings from the Solo and Ensemble Festival in both solo and ensemble categories. Danielle is the head of Hufflepuff in her school’s Harry Potter club and plays on her houses quidditch team. Danielle’s maintains an excellent GPA and, due to her academic achievements and outstanding community service, earned a place in the National Honors Society.

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2012 Outstanding Young Leaders
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