Dameon spent 12 years in foster care in 10+ placements all through Ohio. Currently, the twenty-four-year-old serves as an advocate for the LGBTQ community, foster youth, and domestic violence victims - fighting for those without a voice. Dameon is a graduate with a criminal justice degree with the career goal of becoming a juvenile probation officer. Aside from his advocacy, he avidly volunteers - whether it’s for pride, community or protesting, he’s usually spending time helping someone. Founder and VP of Rebuilding Hope, Dameon is a community advocate. When he’s not advocating or volunteering, you can usually catch Dameon with music in his ears singing some pop song or whatever musical he’s feeling. His life goal is to open a music studio for inner-city youth as an option to the streets. Dameon is an impassioned advocate; he says, “I will always want to change the system to make it easier for the kids coming back into the system.”