We're rebuilding your state page
Did you know foster care runs differently in every state?
The team is working to pull together information that will help you navigate foster care in your state and access all the resources you're entitled to.
Check back soon!
Resources in your state
Ombudsman (Complaints)
Rights in Foster Care
Child Welfare Complaint Office, Ombudsman or sometimes called Child Advocates were established within states and/or Child Welfare to investigate...
Independent Living Program
Starting at age 14 you can receive Independent Living Program services--or as most people call it, ILP. ILP's help current and former foster youth...
Health care
Medicaid is health insurance that covers basic medical care and most emergency situations. Medicaid is a federal program but is run by individual...
Education: College / Higher Ed
Launched in academic year 2016-17, Alabama is investing in the post-secondary education and training goals of youth who were in the foster care system...
If you don't find what you're looking for, or if there's info that should be listed here, contact us.
Health Care for Former Foster Youth
Did you know that young people from foster care have access to free Medicaid after they turn 18 through their 26th birthday? Qualification to access Medicaid is NOT dependant on employment or education status.