Independent Living Program
Alabama Independent Living Program Services
About this resource
Starting at age 14 you can receive Independent Living Program services--or as most people call it, ILP. ILP's help current and former foster youth reach their independent living goals, providing services and resources for:
and building a support network
If you have been out of foster care, but would like services, call your local DHR office, or use the number on this website.
You are eligible for ILP services if you are:
- Youth in DHR custody who currently live in an approved out-of-home placement or who are on a trial home visit;
- Youth receiving on-going protective services; and
- Youth ages 18-21 who
- (1) have been discharged from the system of care
- (2) were in foster care on or prior to their eighteenth birthday
- (3) have returned to DHR to request services