Independent Living Program

Pennsylvania Independent Living Services

About this resource

Independent Living (IL) Programs help current and former foster youth reach their independent living goals, providing services for education, employment, housing, budgeting and building a support network to assist youth as they transition to adulthood.


  • In general, to be eligible for Independent Living services in PA, a youth must: Be at least 16 years old but less than 21 years old at the beginning of the state fiscal year; Be in, or have been in, out-of-home placement on or after age 16 (non-Title IV-E eligible youth may receive services through this funding source); and Be adjudicated dependent; or Be dually adjudicated dependent AND delinquent; or Be a pre-adoptive and adopted youth; or Be a qualified alien youth; or Be adjudicated delinquent with shared case management responsibility between the CCYA and the Juvenile Probation Office (JPO.)