Rights in Foster Care
Iowa Foster Youth Bill of Rights
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Iowa Foster Child and Youth Bill of Rights
I have the right to be treated with respect.
I have the right to be safe and well cared for.
I have the right to be who I am.
I have the right to lifelong family connections.
I have the right to be fully informed about what is happening to me. I have the right to be told why I am in the child welfare system.
I have the right to adequate health care, including mental health care. I have the right to a good, stable education.
I have the right to permanency.
I have the right to know when court hearings are scheduled and to attend hearings regarding my care.
I have the right to a qualified advocate.
I have the right to receive skills, knowledge, and resources needed to be an independent adult.
I have the right to seek assistance if these rights aren’t being met.