Youth or Alumni Group
Emergency support
Life skills
Rights in Foster Care
Connecticut Alliance of Foster & Adoptive Families
About this resource
Our MissionThe mission of the Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families is to strengthen foster, adoptive and kinship care families through support, training and advocacy with the aim of nurturing child safety, well-being and stability in partnership with child welfare professionals and the entire community.Our VisionCAFAF’s vision is that the citizens of Connecticut recognize that family life is a necessity for all children. The family creates the optimum environment for appropriate responses to a child’s developmental and specialized needs. We also envision that foster, adoptive and kinship care families are of an adequate number, skill and cultural diversity to assure high quality care for all children. This knowledge, skill and attitude will be transmitted through peer to peer empowerment. Lastly, CAFAF strives to help develop communities that are engaged in meeting the unique needs of foster and adoptive children and in supporting their resource families.