Ombudsman (Complaints)
Child Services Ombudsman Bureau - Indiana
About this resource
Ombudsman is a Swedish word that means "representative" or "agent." Ombudsman or Child Advocates were established within states and/or Child Welfare to investigate complaints, concerns, or violations of children right's while in foster care.
The Indiana Ombudsman's office receives, investigates, and attempts to resolve complaints concerning actions of the Department of Child Services (DCS) and to make recommendations to improve the child welfare system. The Ombudsman's office works independently from DCS -- they are not even located in the same office!
To file a complaint:
Print off and fill out this complaint form:
The address to mail the paper form is on the top of the PDF
Or file out the online form linked here
Before filing a formal complaint, the DCS Ombudsman Office requires that before you attempt to a formal complaint, you address any issues at the local level first. If you feel safe enough, address the issue first by contacting the appropriate family case manager, the family case manager's supervisor, the division manager, and the local office director.