Youth or Alumni Group
California Chapter - Foster Care Alumni of America
About this resource
The vision of Foster Care Alumni of America is that all people in and from foster care are connected, empowered, and flourishing. This vision for Foster Care Alumni of America was developed by alumni of foster care—adults who once were in foster care: Our mission is to ensure a high quality of life for those in and from foster care through the collective voice of alumni. We intend to erase the differences in opportunities and outcomes that exist for people in and from foster care compared to those who have not experienced foster care. We believe that opportunities to improve outcomes for alumni of foster care continue beyond age 18 (typical emancipation age) or even age 25 (typically considered the upper end of transition age) and that a significant way to improve the quality of life for alumni is to provide opportunities for us to connect with each other, reducing isolation and increasing the likelihood of permanent family and community. We also believe that alumni of foster care possess an expertise about foster care that is not available anywhere else. Alumni bring the perspective of having lived in foster care and being part of the foster care culture—the shared experience that comes from being in foster care. We believe this perspective and expertise, and our presence and voice, are essential for influencing public will, creating the best public policy, and continually improving foster care practice.