Displaying 21 - 29 of 29 blog posts.

A guide written for young people by young people! If you've experienced foster care, chances are the holidays can present some - umm, interesting - challenges. Check out FosterClub's ten...

Mental health

. “The hardest thing was to sit around the Christmas tree in a room full of strangers and look at a package that says ‘To Sharde’ ‘From Foster Mom’.” FosterClub...

Mental health

We've added a new course - The Wounded Spirit: Grief in Foster Care! Learn about the unique challenges foster youth face through the grieving process and understand how grief and...

Mental health

In one week, I can achieve almost nothing. However, in a week you can begin to achieve almost ANYTHING. It takes a lot more than just a week to truly...

Mental health

(pictured: Dashun Jackson, 2013 FosterClub All-Star) Lucette Lagnado from the Wall Street Journal wrote an investigative journalism piece on the abuse of psychotropic medication prescriptions for youth in foster care...

Psychotropic medications

by Michelle Cole, Oregonlive.com, 6/17/09, SALEM -- Children in state foster care -- even kids younger than 4 -- are being prescribed powerful antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs. State lawmakers want...

Psychotropic medications

Well, I am really excited about one of FosterClub's newest projects! It is a guide book that is focused on helping young people in foster care relate to their bio...

Mental health

Beating the Bullies Abuse made me angry. I took it out on others and myself. By Miguel A. I've had an anger problem for a long time. It has included...

Mental health

This story is taken from a blog post by Lupe, a FosterClub All-Star. The Holidays: When Things Get Rough I don't know about you guys out there, but, the holidays...

Mental health