Foster to Famous! A Heroes Journey

I wouldn't say that I am completely happy. I have learned that It's o.k. not to be happy 100% of the time.

Through one of workshops that we teach, called Foster to Famous,
I have realized that not only am I on my own Heroes Journey but I have two main parts of my heroes journey.

Basically a heroes journey describes resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back after a time in your life that was challenging but you overcame it.
Everyone at some point in their lives has a challenge, and we overcome them.
Through the teaching of the workshop I am currently learning that in my journey there are two main parts that I am dealing with now
One would be of the giving back stage, and that other would be the struggling stage.
With the stage in my life giving back, I have proved to be resilience. I am giving back to the community by being a FosterClub All Star. The other part of my journey is the current struggling factor that I face. I am struggling very much, on the level of family.
I am struggling with my emotions dealing with the issues that I have with my family. I am constantly confused, angry, upset, happy, and sadness. Overall the two main emotions that I have been feeling are anger and frustration. Which is expected for my situation. I guess that what I am trying to say that it's ok for youth out there to have emotions, and it's ok to feel happy, sad, confused, angry, etc.

I know that I am only touching base with just two of the points in my life that I currently am dealing with now. I am not sure how exactly I will be overcoming these struggles but I know that I will learn to.