On June 9th, 2021, FosterClub and Youth Law Center hosted a state spotlight webinar with Child Welfare service providers and advocates focused on implementing the older youth provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
In this webinar, Iowa's Program Planner from the Department of Human Services, Doug Wolfe, and the Executive Director of Iowa's Youth Policy Institute, Carol Behrer, share details on providing extended services, direct cash assistance, ETV, and engaging young people in their implementation process. Laticia Aossey, a Lived Experience Leader from Iowa shared the impact of youth engagement and these supports on older youth from foster care.
Summary of the Law and Implementation Updates
Implementation of Older Youth Services and ETV Pandemic Relief in Iowa
Youth Engagement in Planning and Decision-Making
This webinar aims to provide examples and tools for implementing the older youth provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act in your state or jurisdiction and the importance of engaging and incorporating youth with lived experience in the implementation process.
View the webinar recording here > > >
Download the slides >>>
- Visit Iowa aftercare website: https://iowaaftercare.org/
pandemic-relief/ to learn how Iowa is taking action to provide additional support and financial assistance to youth and young adults who have been in foster care. - Visit fosterclub.com/oypr for a library of resources, tools to support your implementation and federal program instruction from the Children's Bureau, and summaries of the Older Youth provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
The Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act (H.R. 7947) became law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act on December 27, 2020 (PL 116-260). This law is intended to bring significant emergency relief to young people in and from foster care. Young people in and from care were instrumental in the passage of this law, and young people must be involved in the implementation process.
Would you like to highlight your state's or jurisdiction's implementation in our next webinar? Please send us a message at [email protected].
Reach out to [email protected] for questions about this webinar or implementation.