Displaying 61 - 70 of 128 blog posts.

We've added a new course - The Wounded Spirit: Grief in Foster Care! Learn about the unique challenges foster youth face through the grieving process and understand how grief and...

Mental health

PeerUp! Creating youth-adult partnerships! 3 words were all I needed to hear to know PeerUp! is a success. We use many methods to measure programs. We call them evidence-based, best...


There wasn’t anything that could have prevented me from entering foster care, but there were dozens of services and people that definitely could have made life in foster care a...

Entering foster care

In my opinion, if I had these preventions I would have had a better experience in the foster care care system. After I entered the foster care system I was...

Entering foster care

Starting when I was three years old, DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) was called on my mom a total of eight times. When I was 14, we were...

Entering foster care

I believe life is what you make of it. My name is Amairani Morales. I was born in Mexico City in the town of Distrito Federal. I moved regularly during...

Entering foster care

Over 400,000 American children are in foster care, taken away when their families are in crisis and can’t take care of them. Who are these children? Where do they live...

Entering foster care

BY DAVID CRARY AP NATIONAL WRITER Not so long ago, if foster children in Florida wanted to spend the night at a friend's house, the parents hosting the sleepover faced...


NBC’s Last Comic Standing semi-finalist and foster care alumni, Monroe Martin, talks about foster care during one of his bits.

From Monroe's website: "Monroe Martin is a colorful and imaginative...

Entering foster care

On Thursday, March 10th, two young people from foster care 2010 FosterClub All-Star Charlie McNeely and 2007 FosterClub All-Star Jojo Murdock had an opportunity to testify in front of the...

Entering foster care