Displaying 71 - 80 of 103 blog posts.

By Katharhynn Heidelberg, Montrose Daily Press • April 11, 2009 MONTROSE —- In 2007, one child in every 127 Montrose County children was maltreated through neglect or abuse. These statistics...

Entering foster care

I will never forget my twelfth birthday – on that day, my social worker appeared at my foster home with two trash bags and announced that I was moving. She...

Entering foster care

I pulled my blanket to my chin, warm already in my blue footed pajamas. My eyelids slowly began to find their other halves when again that thought shot through the...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

When I was eight years old, my sisters and I were removed from our home and placed in foster care in the Utah state system. Our home environment was unsafe...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

You know, all of us have things we would change if we had the opportunity to go back in time. For me, it is how my relationship with my father...

Entering foster care

By Anonymous

Carried nine months by a drug-addicted mother, I was born into a house where I was only as good as her next fix. I don’t know what neighborhood...

Entering foster care

Although foster care is an important safety net for some children, it was intended to be a temporary arrangement. Children have a better opportunity for growing and developing when they...


I would like to read you two definitions of one word. The first is: to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition, the next is...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

I entered the foster care system when I was eight years old. My mother simply left the house one rainy evening. I didn’t know what to do, so I went...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

Passed unanimously by both Houses of Congress in September, 2008, the bipartisan Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act represents the most significant reform of the nation's child welfare...
