Webinar: Youth & Alumni Priorities on Preventing Unnecessary Removal of Children from their Families


FosterClub and Foster Care Alumni of America are pleased to invite you to a webinar hosted by the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council to discuss improving prevention supports and services to reduce the unnecessary removal of children from their families.

This is an opportunity to hear first hand from young people who experienced foster care and learn ways to improve practice and policy to better serve young people, their families, and the communities to which they belong. This webinar will include recommendations on implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act and moving towards a 21st Century Child Welfare System.

Topic: A Historic Opportunity to Reform the Child Welfare System: Youth & Alumni Priorities on Preventing Unnecessary Removal of Children from their Families
Date: Thursday, Oct. 22, 2019
Time: 3:00pm Pacific/4:00pm Mountain/5:00pm Central/6:00pm Eastern
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9130747380432149260

Want to know more?
Check out a copy of the document in advance! /blog/public-policy/new-recommendations-released-historic-opportunity-reform-child-welfare-prevention
In this webinar, we will discuss the priorities and opportunities for engagement, including:
5 priorities, echoing recommendations from the Council's 2017 Prevention Priority and highlighting new opportunities presented by Family First and moving towards a 21st Century Child Welfare System.

Priority 1: Substance misuse and mental health crises are tearing our families apart — treat them with the urgency and resources that they require.
Priority 2: Connect our families to services, even after we have been reunified with our family.
Priority 3: Don’t use our removal as a way to punish our parent(s).
Priority 4: Explore the multitude of reasons why youth are “aging out” of adoptions and look at how it can be prevented.
Priority 5: Engage with us during the investigation and when developing prevention services for my family.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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