
Celebrating Our 2023 AllStar Interns


Celebrating Our 2023 AllStar Interns

We believe Experience = Expertise, and that there is power in community.

Those are just two of the reasons we founded our AllStar Internship: so that young people from foster care can find one another and organize together to reform the child welfare system.

This summer, our ‘23 AllStars from across the country trained for six weeks in foster care advocacy, put on two multi-day conferences to support youth currently in care, and made lasting friendships with fellow interns. It’s hard work–which includes traveling to Oregon for two weeks –but it’s worth it: On top of the six-week intensive summer program, AllStars will continue to be engaged in cool, impactful service opportunities like speaking at conferences and events and giving briefs to Congressional staffers. 

AllStar interns, as demonstrated over the 19-year history of the program, return to their home states and continue to contribute to their Youth Advisory Boards, local child welfare reform efforts, and advocacy campaigns. Many will go on to make a profound impact to peers coming through the foster care system behind them. 

The AllStar Interns were supported by four Coaches (all of whom previously served as AllStars), because there is no one better to teach someone how to navigate a life touched by the child welfare system than another person from care.

You played a very important role in my life,one 2023 AllStar told us. And I will never forget anyone or this experience.

Meet the 2023 AllStars!

Click here to learn more about FosterClub's AllStar internship.