5 years in Michigan's Foster Care System
Yesenia was placed in the foster care system at the age of 12. She spent her time in care in a kinship placement before eventually being reunified with her mother. Yesenia graduated top ten in high school as a honor student and member of several organizations. Following her successful high school career, she studied at a University in Michigan. She has been an active member in the honors program, vice president of Ferris Youth Initiative, and has held multiple positions within her sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau. All of this involvement led her to the All-Star internship in Oregon. Upon completion of her internship, Yesenia plans to take a year off from her studies to join the workforce and re-evaluate her career goals. She plans to do this while working actively to make a difference in her community, state, and world with her new skills and strengths that she has learned over the summer.