Laticia Aossey
10 years in Iowa's Foster Care System
Laticia has dedicated her life to overcoming the statistics and stereotypes placed on foster kids. She spent a total of ten years in Iowa's foster care system which included 18 different placements and switching schools fourteen times. She faced many adversities while growing up including sibling separation, parental incarceration and drug use, abuse and neglect. Laticia defeated the odds by graduating high school early and going on independent living at age seventeen, then participating in Iowa’s Aftercare program.
She graduated from Capella University with a Masters degree in Social Work in December of 2022. She is currently working as the Statewide Coordinator for Iowa’s foster care youth council, known as AMP, and as the Cedar Rapids AMP Facilitator. Her future goals include securing a career in child welfare policy and program development on a federal level, opening her own transition house for youth aging out of care, and becoming a foster parent herself.