Janessa Lee spent 2.5 years in foster care
Brief Biography: Janessa entered the Iowa foster care system just one month after turning 14. While Janessa went to a youth shelter, her two sisters went to live with grandparents. Today, she is a college student, actively involved on the foster care youth board Elevate, and a young advocate for youth in the foster care system. Janessa credits the help of several supportive adults including her social worker, GAL (Guardian At Litem), CASA worker, and TLP worker, who helped her recognize her goals, talents, and encouraged her through education.
Future aspirations: Janessa recently changed my major to Criminology. She has plans of graduating from the University of Northern Iowa with a BA in Criminology then plans on attending graduate school to get a Masters in Social Work or Marriage & Family Therapy. Janessa would like to start out doing basic case management of children and families involved in the system or at risk. Eventually she would like to either create her own Non-Proft or become an executive director of one currently in place.
Availability for projects: Policy development, On-site training (may require travel), Webinars, Work groups (requires on-going participation, perhaps travel)
Affiliations: FosterClub State or local youth board