Briana worked as a partner in the planning, implementation, and opening of The Hub, providing her lived experience and expertise as a foster youth to inform decisions being made by the county in the development of the center. Today, she serves as staff at the center as a peer mentor and advocate, encouraging and assisting other youth in accessing services. Briana also serves on various committees and workgroups, providing input from the youth perspective and youth voice. She has been a member of The Hub's Steering Committee, DFCS' Dually Involved (Probation and Child Welfare) Youth Committee, and DFCS' Receiving Center (former shelter) and Re-Design Workgroup.
The Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits' (SVCN) Everybody Wins Award recently was presented to Briana after the Board of Directors unanimously chose her to be one of their 2013 awardees. An embodiment of the SVCN theme “Everybody Wins” Briana is: “a visionary leader, values participation in public policy and is a role model in service to our community.” Brianna continues to represent youth issues at various policy committees including School Linked Services, Cross-Over Youth and others. Her thoughtful voice to remind policy makers about the needs and interest of youth involved in the social services system brings forward the true purpose of the work of The Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits.