Minnesota: Living Through This COVID-19 Pandemic Is Like Reliving My Time In Foster Care
As a young adult who spent nearly 8 years in foster care before aging out, you’d think I’d be used to feeling like my life is out of my control. Living in foster care means never knowing what the day will bring and what will happen next. And, living through this COVID-19 epidemic is like reliving my time in foster...
Los Angeles, CA: Just Like That, My Transition To Adulthood Became Even More Difficult
More than anything I want to create a world where youth in foster care don’t have to fear being alone and not having a place to live. That’s why I’m attending Cal State Los Angeles, studying to become a social worker. In fact, just before the pandemic hit I had received my offer letter to do my fieldwork placement with...
From Louisiana: Living through COVID reminds me of foster care: social isolation, constant changes and lack of control
The COVID-19 crisis has turned everyone’s lives upside down. But for young people who have experienced foster care who are transitioning to adulthood, this crisis is hitting especially hard. I consider myself a success story, one of the resilient 3 percent of foster youth who age out of care without families who graduate from high school and college. I am...
Rhode Island Young Leader thanks Congressional Child Welfare Champions for supporting foster youth during this crisis
Mayra, a former foster youth from Rhode Island, thanks Representatives Langevin, Bass, Bacon and Mullin for HR 6766 which will increase Chafee by $500 million and provide older youth with help needed to navigate the Covid 19 crisis. Mayra expresses that young people in and from foster care are facing struggles with housing, employment, and mental health. Without this assistance...
A Young Leader from Iowa asks Congress to support older foster youth
Tee, a former foster youth from Iowa shares results from FosterClub’s second poll of youth from foster care who are transitioning to adulthood, between the ages 18-24. Tee is currently in her last year studying social work and struggling to switch from hands on to online education. Tee has lost 2 of her 3 jobs as a result of COVID-19...
From Nevada: the Impact of the COVID crisis on Foster Youth
If there is one thing we know about the Covid19 pandemic it’s the phrase, “stay home”. Which is doable unless you no longer have a home. I’m a former foster youth who was making it ok, until the pandemic hit. I was in college, and school was my home. Now, I find myself adrift, again. As a former foster youth...