Education: College / Higher Ed
Virginia Education and Training Voucher (ETV)
About this resource
The Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) Program assists eligible foster care and adopted youth with post-secondary education and training expenses. It is designed to help youth aging out of foster care with the education, training and services needed for employment.
Funding for the program is supplied in the form of vouchers. These can applied toward, but not limited to, colleges, universities, community colleges and one-year training institutions.
Expenses Covered
- Tuition and fees
- Room and board
- Rental or purchase of required equipment, materials or supplies (including a computer)
- Allowance for books, supplies and transportation
- Required residential training
- Special study projects
- Child care
- Other related expenses
Awards are based on need and availability of funds.
Vouchers are provided up to $5000.00 per year per youth.
The applicant may apply for tuition and fees for the entire academic year; equal disbursements will be made for each term (e.g. semester, quarter, trimester, etc.)
Foster care youth ages 16 to 21 should submit a completed application with documentation to their local department of social services.
If the youth is 21 to 23 or adopted at age 16 or over from foster care, documentation from the local department of social services with which they were most recently associated must be provided. Youth should submit a completed application with documentation to Virginia Department of Social Services.
ETV Program Application:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Youth ages 16 to 21:
- Must have had their most recent foster care provided by the state of Virginia.
- Must be eligible for services under Virginia's Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP), which is offered to all eligible foster care youth between the ages of 16 and 21. Each youth in care, age 16 and over, must have a written transitional independent living plan that is based on the youth's needs, regardless of goal and placement. They must participate directly in designing their own program activities and must accept personal responsibility for achieving independence.
- Must have received their high school diploma or equivalent, or general education development (GED)
- Youth pursuing post secondary education should complete and submit the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Tips for Completing the Application
- Must have initiated their post-secondary education or training before reaching the age of 21.
- Must make satisfactory academic progress by maintaining at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or have an academic standing consistent with the institution's graduation requirements for the federal student financial aid program.
Youth 21 to 23:
- Must meet all eligibility requirements for youth ages 16 to 21 listed above.
- Must be a participant in the voucher program on the date they become 21 to be eligible to for assistance until age 23, as long as they are enrolled in a post-secondary education or training program and are making satisfactory progress toward completion of that program.
Adopted Youth:
- Youth adopted from Virginia's foster care system after reaching age 16 are eligible for the ETV Program as long as they meet the same eligibility requirements for foster youth and who would have been otherwise eligible for services under Virginia's CFCIP.
United States