
Due to the request of a fellow All-Star,I have been asked to write a blog about transitioning out of care; so without further a due.

I transitioned out of foster care at the age of 2o years old officially. I can say that it was not a easy one, as it was a result of an argument between me and my foster mom at the time. We had a fight one night, I left the house that night and came back the next day to get my things. I had no where to go, so a friend let me stay with her for a few days and then we got into it and I had to leave. With in a few days I had to look for a place to live. This was a particularly hard time for me because I was still in college, in the last few weeks before graduation. I was in my Law Enforcement skills program which means regular school and classes during the day and boot camp at night and all day on the weekends. I had no one, I was alone and it was hard to focus on my education when I was homeless.

Let's fast forward a bit..As of right now I am a senior in my fourth year of college at Winona State University and I reside in a upperclassman campus apartment. I do not have a job other then being a full time student and a intern for FosterClub. Back when I transitioned out of care I had the help of my Independent Living mentor but that was about it. As of today I have the staff of the organizations that help me out financially such as the ETV,OFA aka FCS,and FosterClub staff.

I still have my LINK mentor as well. One of the biggest obstacles for me was not being prepared for the unexpected. I had forgot that it was still just a home, a home I could get rejected out of. I was not ready for being homeless, I didn't think it was necessary to have a plan b anymore, and I was wrong. As for suggestions for youth about to transition, I would tell them to pay attention and really absorb the information given by their independent living programs and they are teaching them vital lessons and skills they will need in the real world.

Hopefully this helps shed some light on my transition out of care and hopefully will give others an example of what not to do haha.