Displaying 61 - 70 of 115 blog posts.

FosterClub Young Leaders, Eric Warner, and Joseph DeBiew joined Edwin Daye, a Member of the Birth Parent National Network, in a meeting with 4 Congressional offices and federal stakeholders -...

Entering foster care
Family relationships
Mental health
Transition (aging out)

National Foster Youth and Alumni Policy Council Member, Justin Abbasi, met with Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), to discuss how housing stability...


Check out our newest Foster Parent Online Training Course - Family Matters: Supporting Connections to Birth Parents Foster parents play a vital role in maintaining connections between children and their...

Family relationships

Education is very important to me in order to move ahead in life. Not just get by, but to really succeed. My senior year I had to apply for colleges...


What is the epidemic of homelessness? Why does it seem it is affecting so many people? For me, it is as simple and as complicated as spending every last dollar...


This year, 2018, I was chosen to attend and represent FosterClub at Daniel Memorial’s 31st Annual National Independent Living Conference in San Antonio, Texas. During my All-Star internship, I had...

Transition (aging out)

I do not let money stand in my way and neither should you. Health care and educational funding should be available for everyone, including foster youth, until age 26. As...

Health care
Higher education
Transition (aging out)

A team brings more than just support during an activity, they bring safety, comfort, and hope. My team, a group of All-Stars, called ourselves the DREAM team. From my experience...


Thirty-three days is all it took to revoke the opportunities I was promised for so many years. I was in foster care from the age of 11 until 33 days...

Health care
Transition (aging out)

FosterClub is partnering with CASA Essex of Essex County New Jersey to launch a pilot program which focuses on securing permanence for transition age youth. On September 26th, 2017 began...

Transition (aging out)