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Displaying 761 - 770 of 887 blog posts.

Take Back the Night is an evening dedicated to increasing awareness of interpersonal violence, with emphasis on ending sexual violence. Common components of Take Back the Night rallies include candlelight...

When I was eight years old, my sisters and I were removed from our home and placed in foster care in the Utah state system. Our home environment was unsafe...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

Well today is my 40th day here in Seaside Oregon. Wow, I dont know how this happens, my mind tends to observe time differently depending on the situation. Before I...

You know, all of us have things we would change if we had the opportunity to go back in time. For me, it is how my relationship with my father...

Entering foster care

So here's the deal, FosterClub is an awesome organization, we all know this. Celeste is probably the coolest boss ever! But there seems to be a problem with whether coming...

2009 marks the fourth year of partnering with the School of Social Work at Portland State University. The goal of the partnership is to provide a Collaborative Learning Exchange for...

On Tuesday of this week I listened to a podcast of my youth pastor back home giving a message called "I am a Christian". It was a powerful message that...

What's up people? I am excited to announce that I am in the final stages of my book. I attached some poetry, check it out! It is a memoir(ish) book...

I wanted to talk to her. I tried so desperately hard to get her attention. I wanted to tell her that everything would be alright. I wanted to let her...

February 11, 2009, Washington, DC —- The statistics are sobering. Forty percent of foster youth in Alaska end up homeless after leaving foster care. The foster youth high school drop...


Grace >

Lived Experience (LEx) Leadership is our magic sauce.

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