FosterClub collects and stores certain personal information about individuals who use our website. Our website also collects other information through the use of cookies. Cookies do not reveal personal information about you or anyone who uses this site - rather, they track things such as which links get clicked and how long people stay on a specific page. This information is used by FosterClub to improve our website.
What is personal information? Things such as your name, birthday, address or zip code, and email address. FosterClub may collect and use this information but does not share it with others without your permission.
Here are the basic guidelines of what FosterClub does to protect your privacy:
- FosterClub DOES encourage parents to explore FosterClub with you.
- FosterClub DOES monitor all messages, postings, and other submissions.
- FosterClub DOES publish messages, postings, and other submissions on the website.
- FosterClub DOES ask for users’ real names on certain submissions. This is so FosterClub can publish these stories and is able to reach you in case there is a question about your submission or to send you a prize.
- FosterClub DOES share general survey information with our partners and clients. We do NOT share the real names of young people. When sharing this information, we may share screen names, state, and ages only.
- FosterClub DOES NOT share or sell your registration information to anyone outside of the staff. All registration information is kept private.
- FosterClub DOES NOT publish last names, addresses, phone numbers, or any other information that identifies who you are. All this information will be deleted from messages and other postings on the site.
- FosterClub DOES NOT use its mailing list to send junk mail or "spam." We only use the list to mail out the FosterClub newsletter and e-mail updates about new content on FosterClub or to supply information you have requested.
We want this site to be a safe and private place for users. The vast majority of our website is viewable without registering as a user or logging in. However, if you do create a profile or submit personal information through one of our forms, you are agreeing that FosterClub may use the information in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy as outlined below.
1. Information You Choose to Provide
If you provide personal information to FosterClub by signing up to join our website, registering for an email or text list, submitting a form, or any other method, we may use that information to contact you in the future. This information may include your username, your real name, your gender, your age, your zip code, or other information.
- Please note: if you sign up to receive emails or texts from FosterClub, our third-party vendor will have a record of your email address and/or phone number. We will only use the contact info you provide to send the interests you indicated. You will always have the option to opt-out of receiving emails or text messages from FosterClub.
- If you choose to provide more in-depth information, such as responses to polls, feedback, comments on blog posts, or other materials you submit to FosterClub, we may store that information with your user profile in our secure database.
- We do not store bank or other payment information with your user profile. For more information about how we use any financial information you provide, please contact [email protected].
In addition to the uses described above, FosterClub reserves the right to share information you provide (including any identifying information you provide) with legal authorities if it is, in our sole opinion, necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected fraud, situation involving threats or potential harm to the safety of any person or property, or if required by law (such as if required by a subpoena, court orders or other legal means).
2. Submission of Materials and Information by Users
FosterClub uses HTTPS (“secure SSL”) to serve all webpages. Any personal information you submit is secure.
Some of the ways Information is submitted to FosterClub includes filling out a form, posting a comment, signing up for mailing lists or training events, and submitting surveys. By submitting this information, you are authorizing FosterClub to read it, edit it, publish it on the website or any of our future publications and authorize other organizations to publish it. This means your submission can be read all over the world and downloaded and copied, as well as in other on-line or off-line forms. If you don't want your question, article or other materials to be posted and read by others, do not submit it. All of the material you submit must be your own creation — not copied from someone or something else. Once a submission is published on the Web site, FosterClub may take it down for any reason.
3. Email Lists
Once you submit your e-mail address, it will be stored with your user record in FosterClub’s secure database. Per legal requirements, we will continue to store your email address even if you opt-out of receiving our emails. We will not contact you once you opt-out, but we are obligated to maintain a record. If you want to unsubscribe from any mailing list, please follow the directions on the bottom of the e-mail.
4. Texting Lists
If you provide your phone number to FosterClub or sign up to receive text alerts, it will be stored with your user record in FosterClub’s secure database. Per legal requirements, we will continue to store your phone number even if you opt-out of receiving our texts. We will not contact you once you opt-out, but we are obligated to maintain a record. You have the option to unsubscribe from any list at any time. FosterClub does not assume responsibility for any charges made by your phone carrier from receiving our text messages.
5. Information Automatically Collected and Stored
FosterClub uses web analytics software to learn how people use our website. When you visit, this software will automatically gather non-personal information about you, such as the browser and type of device you are using, the amount of time you spend on any page, and any links you click. This information is not linked to any of your personal information, and we cannot use it to determine how any individual person interacts with our website.
6. Use of Cookies
We use session cookies on to allow use of certain features only by members, to track the number of times you have used a certain feature and to keep track of unique visitors to the pages of If you register or login as a member of, we place a session cookie on your computer so that you can use certain features of our site that are accessible only to members.
7. Keeping Yourself Safe Online
Although does its best to protect your privacy on our site, there are many things you need to do to keep yourself and your information safe while online.
- You have control over your own privacy. Think carefully before providing any personal information. Do not share information about any family or friends (such as names or where they live) without their express consent.
- No e-mail or web transmission is completely secure against interception. If you are worried because your communication is very sensitive, do not send it via e-mail or submit it online.
- In addition to the records left on your computer by cookies, your browser and operating system contain other records of your Web browsing and other actions (e.g., browser history). As with cookies, you can find information about how to clear these history trails in your browser's "Help" section or through other websitesthat provide detailed information for each browser and operating system.
If you have any questions about FosterClub privacy policies, please contact:
ATTN: Webmaster