Welcome to Oregon's National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Survey.
Who: Young people from Oregon’s foster care system who are nearing 19 or 21 years old. (Please do not take this survey until after your 18th birthday).
Why: As a foster youth who has lived the experience, you are the expert. The information from this survey will be provided to the state of Oregon to help improve the transitional services for young people aging out of foster care, based on foster youth experiences and perspective.
This survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. The questions on this survey should be answered from your perspective. In other words, answer based on what you know at this point in time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t know some of the answers – this is not a test and you won’t be graded. Please answer what you're comfortable with.
We encourage you to download a list of the questions and go over it with your caseworker, foster parent, or another supportive adult. CLICK HERE to view or download a paper copy. This will help you make sure that you understand all of the resources that are available to you.