Welcome to Nevada's National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Survey.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey!
Who: This survey is for young people who have exited foster care, completed a 17-year-old NYTD survey, and have just celebrated or are going to be celebrating their 19th Birthday.
Why: This information will be shared with the State of Nevada and the Administration for Youth and Families (ACF). It will help gather details to make the foster care system better. Your answers are super important because they will help improve services and support for other young people in care, both in Nevada and across the country.
This survey will take about 15 minutes to finish. The questions are all about YOUR opinions and experiences. Just answer based on what you know right now – it’s totally okay if you don’t know all the answers! It’s not a test, so there’s no right or wrong. If you want a paper copy instead, just email us at [email protected].
INSTRUCTIONS - Take a minute to read at the link below.